Sunday, September 16, 2012

Welcome back!

Welcome back to school everyone and now is the time to really start to be excited for Greek Sing! It's not that far away and everyone is getting pumped! But first, we should all remember why we take part in Greek Sing! While Greek Sing is a fun way to unite the Greek community, it's main goal is to raise money for the Gayle Beyers Scholarship Fund. 

Named after a former Greek community advisor for Penn State, the Gayle Beyers Scholarship Fund awards a scholarship to Greek individuals who are examples of dedication, bravery and commitment.  In years past, awards of up to 3000 dollars have been distributed. Scholarship winners are chosen based on scholarship, involvement, and financial need. So we thank everyone for helping us raise money for such a great cause! 
We raise this money by having our spirit events, so don't forget to bring as many people as possible to Cafe this Tuesday from ten to midnight for an uncapped event! All guests must be 21+ so this is a great way for upper class-men of your triad to get to know each other. We can't wait to see everyone there!

And don't forget, the Kick-Off party is less than a month away! Here's a countdown to keep everyone excited about the Greek Sing preview! Can't wait to see what everyone prepares!

And even better, Here is a countdown to when the actual show is! It's so soon and we can't wait!


  1. ADPi, AGR and PiLAM had their first rehearsal this week! :) It was so fun and quite humorous!! I hope everyone else is having a blast getting to know their partnering organizations! I know we are. I can't wait to see everyones hard work at the kick-off party! Everyone go to Cafe 210 for the next spirit point event!!! :) Good luck with your semesters !
    God Bless, Jennifer Rausch- Greek Sing co-chair for Alpha Delta Pi

  2. DG AEPi and DKE are so excited to hear everyones great voices Tuesday night!!! Can't wait to see how everyones hard work pay off at the Kick Off Party and first dress rehearsals!!! Only 77 days until the show!!

  3. DZ, DTD, and DU just finished their first practice. We are so excited for Greek Sing! Hope everyone else is having as much fun as we are!

  4. It's great to see that our hard work and commitment goes towards such a wonderful cause. We get to raise money, meet other members of the Greek community, and get to take a break from school work to have a little fun! I know all the members of ADPi, AGR, and PiLam can't wait for Greek Sing in December already!! Good luck to everyone during the first week of rehearsals.

  5. Pi Phi, Beta, and KDR are so excited to see all the performances at the Greek Sing Kick-off! Greek Sing just keeps getting closer and I could not be more excited! It is awesome to see that Greek Sing is so much more than a friendly competition, it is for a great cause! So happy to be apart of it!

  6. Pi Phi, Beta, and KDR are already so excited for Greek Sing this year! So happy we are continuing to raise money for such a great cause!

  7. I'm super excited for my first Greek Sing with Sigma Sigma Sigma, Sig Nu, and DLP! Our first practice is on Thursday! I can't wait!

  8. Have fun at Cafe everyone, make a toast to Zeta, Beta Sig, and Fiji doing well this year!!!

  9. I'm so excited to do Greek Sing with Tri-Sigma, Sig Nu, and DLP this year! It's gonna be so fun :) hope everybody has a good time!

  10. So excited to see what Phi Mu, PKT & Phi Psi get up to this year!!!! Hope Café was great tonight :)

  11. Already having a blast with Phi Mu, PKT and Phi Psi and I can't wait to see what everyone else does too!! It's ridiculously fun in itself, but raising money for the Gayle Beyers Scholarship fund, too? Can't be beat.

  12. Phi Mu, PKT, and Phi Psi are already practicing! This will be my third consecutive year doing Greek Sing and nothing could be better!

  13. Can't wait for DTD,DZ, & DU Greek Sing! Our dances are fire flames

  14. DTD/DZ/DU already practicing and looking for another great year. We're ready to turn some heads.

  15. DZ, DTD, and DU are stoked for Greek Sing this year. Can't wait to see what we can do.

  16. Keep up the good work AGR, ADPi and Pi Lam! You guys have been doing a great job this year, keep it up!

  17. KD, Pikapp, and TDX are so excited to be a part of Greek Sing this year!!

  18. AGR, ADPi, and Pi Lam have been practicing non stop this week! All the dance pairs are working extremely well together and people are having an awesome time at practices. We are all very excited for the kick off and for Sundays dress rehearsal. Greek sing is such an amazing opportunity to bring together Greeks and to meet new people all while raising money for an awesome cause! I hope the rest of the Greek community is as excited as us, See everyone sunday. Good luck to all of the pairings!

  19. As a graduating senior it is great to see the progress that has been made in greek sing over the years, every year it just gets bigger and better. Night out events such as Cafe's are also a great way to keep us old heads involved. This is our time to show the university what amazing strides the greek community can make as a whole. Go ADPI, AGR and Pi Lam.

  20. This scholarship is a fantastic opportunity. I am so excited to see all the performances. Can't wait to see the finished ADPI, AGR, and Pi Lam act!


  22. CHI-O, SIG CHI, and ZETA PSI had a blast preparing for our dress rehearsal this week! We're so excited to begin this whole process!

  23. SAE, THETA, and ALPHA SIG are so excited for this year's Greek Sing!

  24. DG, AEPi, and DKE congrats on your long performance! You guys are already looking so awesome!!

  25. First Greek Sing, and I'm already having an awesome time with Sigma Sigma Sigma, Sig Nu, and DLP :D

  26. Time's gone by so quickly, I remember performing in Greek Sing 2008 and now I'm about to graduate! Good luck to DKE DG and AEPi!

  27. Graduating soon and this is my first time in Greek Sing! Hope for the best Sigma Sigma Sigma, Sigma Nu, and Delta Lambda Phi!

  28. Just reminiscing through old blogs, Greek sing on the mind hah, cant wait for the Sunday to see Pi Phi, Beta, and KDR kill it!
